A Minecraft 1.12.2 utility mod for anarchy servers
This is an open source project written primarily by 086, l1ving and iBuyMountainDew. It has many useful combat and general utilities to assist the player.
2021/04/21 This project is now archived indefinitely.
All pull requests, issues or any other activity on the repositories of all KAMI Blue organizations will be ignored completely.
Finally this project is in the bin 🗑️
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Elytra and Cape


Capes in game

Shulker preview being used in chat

CrystalAura targeting

Please see the issues page for planned features and bugs.
This is currently in active development. When issues are being closed is by milestone, and bugs are higher priority, though there aren’t any bugs that break something completely.
See forgehax for an equivalent. Some features in KAMI may be based on those of forgehax, and KAMI / KAMI Blue have some features it doesn't. KAMI Blue won't be based off of other mods unless said otherwise.
If you get banned for breaking a servers rules using KAMI Blue, it is not any of the developers fault. It is meant to be used on *anarchy* servers, which do not have rules.
< Click to view disclaimers >
Thank you
zeroeightysix for the original KAMI
ronmamo for Reflections
The Minecraft Forge team for forge
All the contributors, including the ones who will be remembered in comments and in our hearts. This has been a huge community effort and I couldn’t have done it without them.