Modules (162)
Chat (19)
- AntiSpam
Removes spam and advertising from the chat
- AutoExcuse
Makes an excuse for you when you die
- AutoQMain
Automatically does '/queue 2b2t-lobby'
- AutoReply
Automatically reply to direct messages
- AutoTPA
Automatically accept or decline /TPAs
- ChatEncryption
Encrypts and decrypts chat messages
- ChatFilter
Filters custom words or phrases from the chat
- ChatTimestamp
Shows the time a message was sent beside the message
- CustomChat
Add a custom ending to your message!
- DiscordNotifs
Sends your chat to a set Discord channel
- ExtraChatHistory
Show more messages in the chat history
- FancyChat
Makes messages you send fancy
- FormatChat
Add color and linebreak support to upstream chat packets
- FriendHighlight
Highlights your friends names in chat
- KamiMoji
Add emojis to chat using KamiMoji, courtesy of the EmojiAPI.
- LoginMessage
Sends a given message(s) to public chat on login.
- PortalChat
Allows you to open GUIs in portals
- RemoteCommand
Allow trusted players to send commands
- Spammer
Spams text from a file on a set delay into the chat
Client (11)
- Baritone
Configures Baritone settings
- Capes
Controls the display of KAMI Blue capes
- ChatSetting
Configures chat message manager
- ClickGUI
Opens the Click GUI
- CommandConfig
Configures client chat related stuff
- Configurations
Setting up configurations of the client
- CustomFont
Use the better font instead of the stupid Minecraft font
- GuiColors
Opens the Click GUI
- Hud
Toggles Hud displaying and settings
- HudEditor
Edits the Hud
- Tooltips
Displays handy module descriptions in the GUI
Combat (24)
- AimBot
Automatically aims at entities for you.
- AntiBot
Avoid attacking fake players
- AntiDeathScreen
Fixes random death screen glitches
- AntiFriendHit
Don't hit your friends
- AutoArmor
Automatically equips armour
- AutoEZ
Sends an insult in chat after killing someone
- AutoLog
Automatically log when in danger or on low health
- AutoMend
Automatically mends armour
- AutoOffhand
Manages item in your offhand
- AutoTrap
Traps your enemies in obsidian
- BedAura
Place bed and kills enemies
- CombatSetting
Settings for combat module targeting
- Criticals
Always do critical attacks
- CrystalAura
Places End Crystals to kill enemies
- CrystalBasePlace
Places obby for placing crystal on
- CrystalESP
Renders ESP for End Crystals
- HoleESP
Show safe holes for crystal pvp
- HoleMiner
Mines your opponent's hole
- HoleSnap
Move you into the hole nearby
- KillAura
Hits entities around you
- MidClickPearl
Throws a pearl automatically when you middle click in air
- Surround
Surrounds you with obsidian to take less damage
- TotemPopCounter
Counts how many times players pop
- VisualRange
Shows players who enter and leave range in chat
Misc (33)
- AntiAFK
Prevents being kicked for AFK
- AntiBookKick
Prevents being kicked by clicking on books
- AntiDisconnect
Are you sure you want to disconnect?
- AntiWeather
Removes rain from your world
- AutoFish
Automatically catch fish
- AutoMine
Automatically mines chosen ores
- AutoNametag
Automatically nametags entities
- AutoObsidian
Breaks down Ender Chests to restock obsidian
- AutoReconnect
Automatically reconnects after being disconnected
- AutoRespawn
Automatically respawn after dying
- AutoSpawner
Automatically spawns Withers, Iron Golems and Snowmen
- AutoTool
Automatically switch to the best tools when mining or attacking
- AutoTunnel
Automatically tunnels forward, at a given size
- BeaconSelector
Choose any of the 5 beacon effects regardless of beacon base height
- BlockData
Right click blocks to display their data
- BookCrash
Crashes servers by sending large packets
- ColorSign
Allows ingame coloring of text on signs
- ConsoleSpam
Spams Spigot consoles by sending invalid UpdateSign packets
- CoordsLog
Automatically logs your coords, based on actions
- DiscordRPC
Discord Rich Presence
- EntityTools
Right click entities to perform actions on them
- FakeGameMode
Fakes your current gamemode client side
- FakePlayer
Spawns a client sided fake player
- FakeVanillaClient
Fakes a modless client when connecting
- LogoutLogger
Logs when a player leaves the game
- MidClickFriends
Middle click players to friend or unfriend them
- MountBypass
Might allow you to mount chested animals on servers that block it
- NoSoundLag
Prevents lag caused by sound machines
- NoteBot
Plays music with note blocks; put .mid or .nbs songs in .minecraft/kamiblue/songs
- PingSpoof
Cancels or adds delay to your ping packets
- SkinFlicker
Toggle your skin layers rapidly for a cool skin effect
- StashLogger
Logs storage units in render distance.
- TeleportLogger
Logs when a player teleports somewhere
Movement (19)
- AntiHunger
Reduces hunger lost when moving around
- AntiLevitation
Removes levitation potion effect
- AutoJump
Automatically jumps if possible
- AutoRemount
Automatically remounts your horse
- AutoWalk
Automatically walks somewhere
- ElytraFlight
Allows infinite and way easier Elytra flying
- ElytraReplace
Automatically swap and replace your chestplate and elytra.
- EntitySpeed
Abuse client-sided movement to shape sound barrier breaking rideables
- FastFall
Makes you fall faster
- Flight
Makes the player fly
- IceSpeed
Changes how slippery ice is
- InventoryMove
Allows you to walk around with GUIs opened
- Jesus
Allows you to walk on water
- NoSlowDown
Prevents being slowed down when using an item or going through cobwebs
- SafeWalk
Keeps you from walking off edges
- Sprint
Automatically makes the player sprint
- Step
Changes the vanilla behavior for stepping up blocks
- Strafe
Improves control in air
- Velocity
Modify player velocity
Player (25)
- AntiForceLook
Stops server packets from turning your head
- AutoEat
Automatically eat when hungry
- Blink
Cancels server side packets
- ChestStealer
Automatically steal or store items from containers
- EndTeleport
Allows for teleportation when going through end portals
- FastBreak
Breaks block faster and nullifies the break delay
- FastUse
Use items faster
- Freecam
Leave your body and transcend into the realm of the gods
- InventoryManager
Manages your inventory automatically
- LagNotifier
Displays a warning when the server is lagging
- LiquidInteract
Place blocks on liquid!
- MultiTask
Breaks block and uses item at the same time
- NoBreakAnimation
Prevents block break animation server side
- NoEntityTrace
Blocks entities from stopping you from mining
- NoFall
Prevents fall damage
- NoPacketKick
Suppress network exceptions and prevent getting kicked
- NoSwing
Cancels server or client swing animation
- PacketCancel
Cancels specific packets used for various actions
- PacketLogger
Logs sent packets to a file
- PortalGodMode
Don't take damage in portals
- Scaffold
Places blocks under you
- Timer
Changes your client tick speed
- TpsSync
Synchronizes block states with the server TPS
- ViewLock
Locks your camera view
- XCarry
Store items in crafting slots
Render (31)
- AntiFog
Disables or reduces fog
- AntiOverlay
Prevents rendering of fire, water and block texture overlays.
- ArmorHide
Hides the armor on selected entities
- BossStack
Modify the boss health GUI to take up less space
- Breadcrumbs
Draws a tail behind as you move
- BreakingESP
Highlights blocks being broken near you
- CameraClip
Allows your 3rd person camera to pass through blocks
- Chams
Modify entity rendering
- CleanGUI
Modifies parts of the GUI to be transparent
Highlights entities
- ExtraTab
Expands the player tab menu
- EyeFinder
Draw lines from entity's heads to where they are looking
- FullBright
Makes everything brighter!
- HungerOverlay
Displays a helpful overlay over your hunger bar.
- ItemModel
Modify hand item rendering in first person
- MapPreview
Previews maps when hovering over them
- MobOwner
Displays the owner of tamed mobs
- Nametags
Draws descriptive nametags above entities
- NewChunks
Highlights newly generated chunks
- NoHurtCam
Disables the 'hurt' camera effect
- NoRender
Ignore entity spawn packets
- Search
Highlights blocks in the world
- SelectionHighlight
Highlights object you are looking at
- ShulkerPreview
Previews shulkers in the game GUI
- StorageESP
Draws an ESP on top of storage units
- TabFriends
Highlights friends in the tab menu
- Tracers
Draws lines to other living entities
- Trajectories
Draws lines to where trajectories are going to fall
- VoidESP
Highlights holes leading to the void
- WaypointRender
Render saved waypoints
- Zoom
Configures FOV